
Book Cover

Did this for a book cover for Tim Adams, who is living in Spain, but he’s from Northern California, where this story is mostly set. It’s a wraparound.

Trying to work up some kind of scathing indictment of the whole automobile centered capitalist culture that is killing us all. This is some of that; kind of looks like a pile of skulls, right? That’s a Packard Caribbean, or the remains thereof, which figures in the story, which is about friendship, love, loss & fast cars.


420 Haines Ave. NW

Got a new iPhone 12. Ditched the 6 I was using for years. Well, the camera’s better on this one, the one in the 6 was a piece of shit; this one’s actually a selfie Instagram-posting machine you can make telephone calls on, but who even does that any more? I still hate it.


Time Travel

Is this thing still on? I thought…

And the Seasons they go ’round and ’round… no painted ponies here, though.

So nine years has elapsed since any new information has been placed in here. We have traveled through time, as we do; we’re all time travelers, we can only go in one direction.

The Apocalypse has begun. It’s now the year 2021.