That was a terrible title for that last post. It is a line from “Pastures of Plenty” by Woody Guthrie about the Dust Bowl & the Long-suffering migrant farm workers during the Great Depression. I used to sing it (almost inaudibly) when I was a kid in Bakersfield trying to be a “Folk Singer”. I didn’t mean to suggest any comparison between all that & this yuppie shindig.
At this year’s event, one of the hall monitors at the top of The Man was saying to somebody going back down to the surface, “This is not a hippie-friendly environment” So I said, “Yeah, well, they don’t even know what hippies are around here. They think they’re Vegans.” Y’see, last year when I was there, I was reading one of the newspapers a piece about the kinds of people you could find attending Burning Man & one of the categories was of course “hippies” who were described simply as “Vegans”. Huh? I don’t know what any of this means. I may grumble about this at further length later on. Or I may not.
I just turned 60 the other day. I can’t seem to come up with anything profound or clever to say (uhh, write? text enter? electronically relate?) about that. Maybe later.
- Dia de los Muertes Marigold Parade, Albuquerque