Sunday morning got tested for Covid-19, part of the overall checkup Dr. Applewhite is doing, trying to figure out what if anything is going on with my shortness of breath & chronic cough. The other week got to see a sonogram of my heart, squirming away in my chest. Then went to LivLab to help dismantle the float we had driven & danced alongside of down some of Route 66 the night before. On Monday I got 3 separate phone calls telling me that I had tested positive. Oh shit.

Now I’m finishing up 10 days in isolation; moved most of my drawing shit into the room I used to be in. It’s the same size as the room at LivLab, of course now it’s got stuff in it for other purposes, mostly packing & shipping for Cherry Comics International. Sharon is having to stay at Zerek & Caryn’s, where they are building an RC balloon.