Some stuff I did last year. This here was for Cattle Baron Restaurants, Inc. here in Roswell. They recently moved their corporate headquarters to a building that used to be the State of New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department. Their offices only take up the back half of the building. The front half, facing out onto south Main Street, which was the Motor Vehicles Division, where you would get your driver’s license and shit, they made into a “BBQ Joint” which they call The Snazzy Pig.
This is a new concept for them. That’s what they call a theme in the restaurant biz these days: a concept. CBRI has done a few different concepts already:
Cattle Baron (there are 11 of them) is a steak house.
Farley’s (there are now 3) is eatertainment.
Tia Juana’s Mexican (only 1 so far) is Tex-Mex.
Santino’s (1 in Ruidoso) is Italian.
The whole thing happened in about a month and a half. That’s how Mr. Jeff Wilson likes to do things; in a frenzy. First I had to do a logo. What does a Snazzy Pig look like? Is he in a zoot suit or white tie and tails?
Then I had to quickly design a neon sign so that it could be fabricated and installed by Dec. 2 or so. A big one.

Oh, and also they were gonna do this spice rub, or butt rub as it was sometimes referred to, so I had to do the Pig getting a massage.
There’s more…
3 replies on “Highlights of the previous Circumsolar Cycle”
awesome, i like the pig rubbing. you should post up more of the pictures that you have done for the cattle baron peoples. Like the menu and all the Farleys stuff
more is later.
Hey look it I am leaving a comment… all the art looks awesome, and the pig rubbing is pretty sweet.