Gonna get a colonoscopy Thursday, so I took a Covid test today. Saturday was hanging out here with NM Burners, sure hope I on’t come up positive like I did last time, when we did the float in the Twinkle Light Parade. Everything is dangerous now.
Now it’s December in the 2nd year of the Pandemic. New Mexico Burners did a float for the Twinkle Light Parade, it was manifested at LivLab, where Blaz is building tiny houses, he’s got this trailer that’s 32 feet long he uses it to move tiny houses around, he put out a call to NM Burners, some showed up, a few new faces, Setia ran it, it was Blaz’s sculpture, his signature suspended rings with a mirror ball in the middle of it, a nice set of speakers curtesy of the Sparkle Ponies, & everybody was to dress in gold as they danced alongside of it, there being not much place for people on the float. Yours truly lettered “Celebrate Solstice” on flaps that hung down on either side. No Christmasy shit on it anywhere.
While we were all waiting with our floats lining up on Silver Street, the float behind us which was honoring the memory of children who were victims of gun violence was being attended to by earnest-looking young people who had no idea what Solstice meant. We danced down Route 66; some of us on lit up Burner bikes, some of us on a living room couch hanging off the back of the trailer as the speakers blasted out songs about the Sun. Very few people got it, but they all seemed to enjoy the spirit energy that we radiated. See pictures in previous post.
We have reprinted Cherry #3 in color, my first color comic, after 50 years.
LivLab, in Wells Park in AlbuquerqueTwinkle Light Parade in Albuquerque.Going down Route 66.
Sunday morning got tested for Covid-19, part of the overall checkup Dr. Applewhite is doing, trying to figure out what if anything is going on with my shortness of breath & chronic cough. The other week got to see a sonogram of my heart, squirming away in my chest. Then went to LivLab to help dismantle the float we had driven & danced alongside of down some of Route 66 the night before. On Monday I got 3 separate phone calls telling me that I had tested positive. Oh shit.
Now I’m finishing up 10 days in isolation; moved most of my drawing shit into the room I used to be in. It’s the same size as the room at LivLab, of course now it’s got stuff in it for other purposes, mostly packing & shipping for Cherry Comics International. Sharon is having to stay at Zerek & Caryn’s, where they are building an RC balloon.
Got a new iPhone 12. Ditched the 6 I was using for years. Well, the camera’s better on this one, the one in the 6 was a piece of shit; this one’s actually a selfie Instagram-posting machine you can make telephone calls on, but who even does that any more? I still hate it.
And the Seasons they go ’round and ’round… no painted ponies here, though.
So nine years has elapsed since any new information has been placed in here. We have traveled through time, as we do; we’re all time travelers, we can only go in one direction.