
Signs Of Life in Roswell

Here’s what it looks like up on the wall of the building that used to be entirely but (for) now is only partially Kokopelli Real Estate.

It’s on black Dibond™, oh, wait, it wasn’t actually Dibond™, it was a knockoff brand, Signabond™, (same thing, way cheaper) which is a sandwich of aluminum & PVC (polyvinylchloride) that’s only 1/8″ thick & way stiffer than just aluminum so it doesn’t get all rumply; & it’s got trim (normally used for channel letters) around the outside edge, so it pops out an inch from the wall. I siliconed it onto a piece of 3/4″ plywood, so the trim would have something to stick to, after cutting a big chunk out of the middle of said piece of ply so it wouldn’t be so heavy. The letters are done in vinyl faux goldleaf, which is not really like the real thing, but pretty flashy nonetheless (especially for Roswell, where the signage standards are, well, low). It’s 4 feet high by 6 feet wide.


A Sign Of Life

Here’s the first sign done in our new improved shop.


Got To Keep Moving

We have moved Signs Of Life out of the ass end of the Roswell Space Center & into a building nearby where we have lots of space all to ourselves to do lots of signs &/or crazy art stuff.

Nothing will ever be the same again.

Not much to look at, no windows to look out of. It’s been unoccupied for 5 years.

Sharon did that sign when she was running SignPro years ago.

Here’s the big room, runs the whole length of the building on one side. There used to be a beauty school in here.


Nothing Will Ever Be The Same Again

We’ve done it. Well, not completely, not even, not yet, but we’re more here than we aren’t.
What the fuck is he talking about?
Oh, we’re moving. Gotta keep movin’ doncha know….
We are moving our shop – Signs Of Life [In Roswell] from out of the ass end of the Roswell Space Center, which we, Sharon & myself, managed to make famous through the Associated Press news network this last summer, into a whole ‘nother venue; another building about a hundred yards away from where we were, but now everything is going to be ever so much better thsn it ever dreamed of being before simply because we have way more space 7 It’s all ours.


Happy Pagan Midwinter Holiday

We had a Welz family gathering in Kittery, Maine during parts of the holidays.
It was all my children & all my grandchildren. I’m the patriarch! That’s something I never imagined imagining. It’s all right. The kids are all right. None of them are screwups. I’m so proud. Jesse’s in Santa Cruz with Sheyenne, who is 10 now. Selena’s living in the Mission in San Francisco. The 3 of them took the same flight from SFO. Sharon & I flew out of ABQ at 11:30pm Christmas night.
We ate. We played games. We played Wii. We did karaoke. We had lobster & clam chowder. We went to the ocean. It was good.