This is how I thought of a Blog:
like a daily diary kind of thing of where you were at; as if anybody else gave a shit about such things.
No, wait…. My thought(s) was (were) that I would use this as a place to stick stuff like pictures & declarations & revelations & invocations(?) & whatevers to friends & family & weird stalkers & such.
But I seem to be so sluggish at doing so that nobody would ever bother to keep coming back to check up on where I was/am at.
Author: admin
As Long As It’s Backwards
Then it’s a Blog!
I Think, Therefore I Blog
So I looked it up.
To Blog, Or Not To Blog…
I am so not in the Moment. Apparently.
I caught this one thing on, I’m pretty sure it was on
an interview with this guy who was supposedly (allegedly) the original blogger, the guy who invented the idea, or the first one to ever do it, or something, & he was this longhaired freak from somewhere near Mountainaire, New Mexico (there was a picture of him), & he was saying something to the effect of: a blog is like a record of where you have been on the Internet, so it is a series of links of where you have been, & he said “if you have more original content than links on your blog, then you need to learn some humility” or something like that. I can’t seem to find that post so I can’t post a link to the sonofabitch…I tried, I swear tagod.
That made me feel even more uncomfortable than I already did about being on the Internet already. There was a picture of him, he was (is) a longhaired freak wearing a funny cap looking like someone I would totally get along with, but…..
I Suck, therefore I, uhhhh……suck
I am so bad at this blogging shit. In fact, I seem to be really bad at the whole Internet Thing.
It’s so futuristic & all, I love the Future, at least I used to think I did. Am I really getting old & shit; calcifying; moss gathering up under my too-slowly-moving feet up around my ankles over my calves & thighs into my underused crotch rotting, no, fossilizing my gonads……no, wait. Stop. Take a breath. Relax…..
I can remember sitting in a living room in Bakersfield many years ago, must have been early ’70s, telling some people I didn’t know something about how in the Near Future, not too long from now, everybody is going to have a computer, & it’s gonna be great! Blank stares. They had not the faintest idea of why in the world they would ever want to have a computer. Nor did I! But I at least knew that it was gonna be really cool in some way or another! I was so ahead of the curve, the wave, the thing. I was so ready for it……not! I got books on computers, I tried to learn Fortran from paperbacks. I was not the right kind of nerd in the right college at the right time. I was an artist waiting for Adobe Photoshop™ to happen & drop into my lap so I could do all these really cool things. I was an “Underground” Cartoonist, fer chrissake! I was ready to be wielding lightning bolts in really original & constructive ways that would make the world such a better place like you wouldn’t believe!
And the whole thing went right on by me.
I never ever, in my wildest dreams, & I guess I did have some wild ones, expected to live past the age of 30. Really. I think I thought I was just going to go up in a puff of smoke at some point or something, I don’t know. At any rate, I am now in what is for me totally uncharted territory, so I am of course having to make all of this shit up as I go along, & I don’t seem to be doing a very good job of it, because I seem to have made some really dumbass decisions about how the World works, or should work, & now, having already committed myself to not spending every waking minute trying to do nothing but make more money & then some more money & then more more more more money…..I blew it. I’m a lousy provider. I’m just a dreamer. That & $4.00 will get you a lattĂ©. (Back in the ’50s & before even that, they used to like to say: “…that & 10 cents will get you a cup of coffee.”) So it’s funny, see?
Oh, man, listen to this Old Fart whining. Or not.
Which brings me back to this blogging thing. I have a hard time believing anybody could possibly give a shit about the things that I happen to be thinking about, let alone the things I’ve been looking at on the Internet.